
Saturday, 3 January 2015

Round of Applause for 2014 !

So the curtain on 2014 is going to fall down in few days and here I am sitting with a bowl of butter scotch ice cream to rate the performance of this year. Like last two years, before I start my review, I would like to thank God for keeping my family and friends fit and fine. Every year I want this only ! now you are wondering that why I am writing after so many days ? wait, months ? then just hold your breath I will reveal the reason in my post.

I remember 1st day of Jan started with a birthday of a very beloved person in our family. I wore a sari gifted by HIM and I was happy! Also, I remember that after my husband came back from office I forced him to click my pictures in sari. 

Jan started with a sudden unplanned trip to Pondicherry with friends. It was our first trip with them and they had lived up to our expectations and made this trip for memorable for us. Other than good company and incredible places what we enjoyed most was the food. Daily we used to have French breakfast at a French café which was a good break from our regular breakfast. We lived in an Italian’s owner hotel. They were friendly and helpful. We were so excited to hear about the rooftop swimming in our hotel which later turned out as some water storage stuff at the roof.  Our idea to click a profile picture in facebook in front of the pool was then laughed off!

I was dying for February to come soon because my mother was coming for the first time to visit our place.  I had really some great time with my mother. Every day we used to go out for walk and after 10 years we went to watch a movie together. This month will stay with me always. Oops I have already started craving for my mother’s hand and her hug and her cheek to kiss while writing about her.  February also bit misbehaved with us as my hubby fell seriously ill.

March was a blessed month. We went to Vaishnu Devi to seek Mother’s blessing and while returning from her place, she gave us wonderful surprise to us. We had booked helicopter tickets for the journey but our return ticket got cancelled due to bad weather.  In an extremely bad climate, we climbed down. We were not prepared for it. Our cloth had got completely drenched in rain and body was refusing any kind of movement because of cold. You may find it dangerous but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the company. Without them it wasn’t possible for me to come down. All credit goes to HIM. One thing I realize while coming back that how much I love my husband. Somehow we lost contact and came back separately but when I was enjoying the beautiful sight, I had wished that he was there with me! 

Also, on March, my niece, uncle and sister came to our place for the first time. Though they were here for only one week but we all had blast. Late night chit- chat, sightseeing, long drive, Mysore trip, good food. It was just perfect!

On April, we were preparing for my husband’s cousin engagement which was on May 1. On the mid of April cousin’s father became seriously ill and was rushed to a nearby hospital. We were shocked but we thought everything will be fine and he will return home soon before the engagement.  Later, we doctor told us that he is suffering from cancer. 

May went like that. We were worried about him and his daughter’s engagement was called off.
June I met my best friend in Bangalore. It was a great surprise for me. We were quite inseparable before marriage but I left my hometown after marriage. Distance still hasn’t done any harm to our friendship. We are in long distance friendship and its going very well! Touchwood!

July came after 4 years in my life. I started working again. I loved my new challenge of working as teacher for those little angles. What I realized afterwards is actually there were my teachers and I was their student as they know how to live life better than me. I have not acquired that knowledge from my degrees. 

August was learning period for me. Nobody was ready to teach me except those kids. I was finding my own way to survive and to make my own little space in the professional world. I had also got my salary again after 4 years. From that money I went out for lunch with my husband and also, ordered pizza for my parents online. 

September, was the last I visited my home. After a long time I got to spend some time with my family and my little niece. She is growing real fast but I am not the lucky one to see her growing. Hope she will remember whatever little part I played in her childhood. May God make her a beautiful human being! I miss HOME!

October was month of festivals. We celebrated Durga Puja with my in laws. This year puja was shifted to a different place but still we enjoyed being around Bengalis. Again, missed my parents who were all there when their city was oozing out celebration everywhere and the sad part is they never complain about their loneliness and their old age as if they had accepted it long back when their two daughters were born. Life! 

November and December we were busy planning a dream together. Every morning we woke up and thought that we are one step closer to our dream. And then one day , our dream was gone. It had hurt my husband. It’s really killed me to see his sad face. I knew how much he wanted this for me and how much he had work to make it come true.  But I am sure that God has some great plans for our future and He is working on it. 

I have no regrets. I am happy with whatever God gave me in 2014 and ready to take whatever He thinks is good for me in 2015.

Happy 2015 to all you lovely people out there !


  1. Each day is a gift, and indeed each year. I am sure HE has read your review of the year 2014 and applauded.

  2. Hi Shainee....
    It's great to see you again in active mode. What a great thought to start a year with: "I am happy with whatever God gave me in 2014 and ready to take whatever He thinks is good for me in 2015"
    Wish a great year ahead! :)

    1. Thank you and wish you all the happiness , peace and success in 2015. My husband was not happy with 2014 and I was trying to make him understand that as long as we're together and our family is healthy, we want nothing else from God ! Hope 2014 treated you well ! :)

  3. You have such a unique gift which allows us into your world. It is an honor to share in the great and small things in your life. It is truly a blessing to have joined in your experiences. Your independence and strength of character is not only uplifting but also motivational. Please keep on sharing with us….lots of love for the New Year, your dreams will come true.

    1. Thank you so much, Nickey ! Even though I am not a writer but these kind words inspire me to write. Happy 2015 to you too :)
